Transforming Real Estate Pro's Into Million Dollar Producers

Elevate your career to your highest potential

Embark on a journey with the best real estate coaches in the industry

Who We Are

A diverse team of consultants aims to professionalize real estate

We revolutionize education services for real estate agency owners, elevating industry standards and promoting continuous learning for real estate professionals at all levels.

Evident-Backed, Success-Verified

Years of Experience


Countries Represented

Hours of Training

Online Demo

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Evident-Backed, Success-Verified

Years of Experience


Countries Represented

Hours of Training

What We Do

Transforming learning and training experience

We are dedicated to transform the learning experience and training for both teams and individuals in the real estate industry.

With a track record of success, we empower your journey, making it more efficient and effective,

one step at a time.

Here's how we equip you to conquer your unique challenges while tracking and improving performance.

Effective Online Training

What Professionals Will Learn:

  • Agent Business Planning

  • Onboarding Programs

  • Senior Mastery Program

  • Leadership Programs

  • Motivational Videos

  • Real Estate Trends & Tips

  • Sales & Closing Modules

  • Marketing & Branding

  • Scripts, Template & Cheatsheets

and many more..

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Micro-Bite Size Videos

Powerful Video Content

  • 3-7 minute short videos

  • Well-structured and updated

  • Categorized on different skills

  • Keeps track of students' progress

  • Monthly New Content Updates

  • Quizzes & Assessments

  • Weekly Messaging

  • Q&As

  • Community Groups

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Tracking Performance

Agent Learning Management

  • 24/7 Tracking on the backend

  • Add or Remove Students

  • Tracking Report

  • Leadership Boards

  • Content Uploads

  • Send Message to Student

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Mobile Application

  • Learning on the GO

  • IOS & Android

  • Live Updates

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Resource Centre

  • Scripts & Messaging

  • Marketing Templates

  • Cheatsheets & Tracking Reports

  • Workbooks

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Tips & Tricks "Soft-Skill" Series

  • Kickstart in Real Estate

  • Mindset & Behavior

  • Sales & Closing

  • Leadership & Recruitment

  • Marketing & Branding

  • Real Estate Jargons

  • Understanding the Client

  • Understanding the Market

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Kickstart Programs

  • Agent Accelerator Program

  • Setting Your Business Mindset for Real Estate

  • 14 Days Agent Boost Challenge

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Ongoing Skill Development

  • 6 Steps in Becoming a High Performer

  • 13 Steps Sales Process for Agents

  • Become A Better Sales Master Using D.I.S.C

  • How To Be Successful in Project Marketing

  • Objection Handling: Get More YES

  • Prospecting Secrets for Success

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Senior and Leadership

  • Transformational Leadership Program

  • PURE Mastery - Senior Agent Program

  • Cold Call, Warm Call & Opportunity Call

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What our customers say

At Propcoach, our expertise, innovative teaching methods, and a proven track record set us apart.

We're not just here to teach; we're here to help you to succeed.

"Taco's enthusiasm, passion and deep knowledge for his topics shines through, and he has great skill at engaging the audience"

Taco was speaking at the recent LeadingRE Global Symposium in Portugal, running a number of sessions to an audience of over 200 top real estate business owners and agents. His enthusiasm, passion and deep knowledge for his topics shines through, and he has great skill at engaging the audience with the relevance and cut through of his content.

George Anderson
Motivational Keynote Speaker & Trainer

"Definitely the guy to talk to if you want to start taking your business to the next level!"

Taco is an outstanding Coach as well as an experienced Real Estate Agent and Businessman. He is very knowledgeable and extremely passionate about teaching and motivating others to master the necessary skills required to truly succeed in their careers. Having worked with Taco in the past I would say that he is definitely the guy to talk to if you want to start taking your business to the next level!

Michael Southwell
Assistant General Manager

"Experts in real estate coaching which deal with aspects that was currently overlooked in the industry"

Experts in real estate coaching which deal with aspects that was currently overlooked in the industry. Their unique approach has been instrumental in raising my personal standards, which, in turn, has led to the ultimate success in achieving my goals.

This coaching experience has been nothing short of transformative. It's not just about transactions; it's a comprehensive transformation that has enriched both my professional life and my personal growth.

Rachel Moo

Event, Partnership, Training, Talent & Development Specialist

Our Valued Clients

Supercharge your real estate business and succeed!




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Propcoach University

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